University of Alberta Archives – Plamondon & District Pioneer Interviews

The University of Alberta Archives carried out a project that aimed to make interviews conducted in Plamondon in 1981-1984 within “Projet Heritage Franco-Albertain” accessible online through the University of Alberta Library’s audiovisual streaming platform. All interviews have short descriptions and keywords. Some interviewees have more that one interview.

Some interviews also have an Index (time-stamp links indicating where subjects are being discussed) and of these, some have detailed Transcripts (actual text of the words spoken in the interview/song).  Listeners who do not understand the language, can copy the text and paste into an online translator, eg:  Google Translate. 

The following have Indexes only:

  • Germaine Croutze; Simon Duperron; Bleuette Gaberel; Albert Gaudet; Eugène Gauthier, Jean-Paul Gauthier & Edmond Ulliac; Marie Girard; George Ledoux; Clifton Plamondon & Raymond Plamondon; Eloise Ulliac

The following have Indexes and Transcripts:

  • Jeanne Favennec; Marie Girard; Délia Labbé; Polycarpe Lambert; David Lamoureux & Maria Lamoureux; Lucien Morin; Roland Piquette & Zéa Piquette; Aurore Plamondon; Mildred Plamondon; Florence Schaub; Noé St-Jean; Edmond Ulliac & Eléanor Arvine Ulliac

If volunteers wish to create Index/Transcripts for those interviews that do not have them, the U of A Archives will gladly accept their Word file and upload this information.  Please email your document to the Plamondon and District Museum, using the email address located in the footer of this page, and they will forward your document to U of A Archives.

 Interviews are available to listen to on the following webpage:

These Franco-Albertan Plamondon & District pioneer interviews were conducted in the 1980’s by:

  • Raymonde Ménard of the Plamondon ACFA (Association Canadienne Française de l’Alberta) (French Canadian Society of Alberta), under the direction of Professors Gilles Cadrin & Paul Dubé of the University of Alberta’s Edmonton’s Campus St-Jean, recorded the Plamondon & District pioneer interviews in 1981.
  • Researcher Réal Girard of St-Paul, recorded the Plamondon, Legal, Morinville and Bonnyville pioneer interviews in 1984/85. His goal was to capture Franco-Albertans’ homestead and passage rites. (Only the Plamondon & District interviews have been used here.)

Both the above initiatives were part of the “Projet Héritage Franco-Albertain” project. It began in 1979 in association with Les Blés d’Or, a folk-dance group from St. Paul, Alberta. Dedicated to preserving Franco-Albertan culture, the Héritage Franco-albertain project aimed to compile from across the province, different types of French-Canadian culture, including songs, dances, recipes, autobiographies, histories, and photographs.

Other Franco-Albertan Pioneer Interviews That Were Part of This Project

There are about 100 other Franco-Albertan pioneer interviews:

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