Family Search Organization
Create a free account:
One needs to create a free account before viewing the books. To do so:
- Click on:
- Click on the “Create Account” button on the top right.
- In creating your account, you will receive an email from Family Search to verify and complete your registration.
Sign in to your free account:
- Click on:
- Click on the “Sign In” button on the top right.
- Return here and click on one of the links below.
- If the book does not open up, come back and click on the link below again.
- Another alternative, is to copy and paste the link into a new browser tab.
How to read the book:
- Hover your mouse over the icons in the top right, to learn what they do.
- To turn the pages, you have 2 choices:
- On your keyboard, press the right arrow to read the next page. Conversely, click on the left arrow to read the previous page.
- OR
- Position your cursor on the middle of the page and then move it to the right until you see a little arrow. Click it to turn the page. To read the previous page, do the same thing on the left side of the page.
How to download the book:
- If the book is downloadable, you will see in the top right of the menu bar, a little arrow pointing downwards.
Table: The following table, lists the repository items for all repositories.
- You can use the Search Box and/or use the Filters to select certain items.
- You can sort each column. Click on the upward pointing arrow, to sort in Ascending order (A to Z).
- Click again to sort in Descending order (Z to A), and the arrow will point downwards.
- When a column has been sorted, its arrow becomes white.
If the rows in the following table are too high or words are truncated, consider reducing the zoom in your browser.
Once you have decided which item you would like to access, click on its Link.