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Plamondon and District Digital Library

The Plamondon & District’s hamlets/family history books, articles, audios, and videos are located in many external digital repositories.  Most books/articles are searchable and downloadable.

All these external links will open in a new window (tab).  The Plamondon & District Museum is not responsible for the content on these external sites.

Please note: The Digital Library website pages are only available in English.  However, there are some external repositories that are in French and they are noted in the Language column in the table below.

Menu: Use the menu on the left to find explanations about how to use individual repositories.

Table: The following table, lists the repository items for all repositories. 

  • You can use the Search Box and/or use the Filters to select certain items.
  • You can sort each column. Click on the upward pointing arrow, to sort in Ascending order (A to Z). 
  • Click again to sort in Descending order (Z to A), and the arrow will point downwards.
  • When a column has been sorted, its arrow becomes white. 
  • If the rows in the following table are too high or words are truncated, consider reducing the zoom in your browser.

Once you have decided which item you would like to access, if you haven’t accessed it before and the Repository is listed in the Research menu on the left, please access the item from that page.

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