- Bailey Walsh, PDCDS (Plamondon District Community Development Society), for digitizing many books.
- Bonita Marchand, President of the Plamondon & District Museum, for obtaining consent forms and coordinating the books for Bailey.
- Céleste Plamondon-Zurbrigg for obtaining consent forms, creating the metadata and uploading the last two, along with all the digitized books (PDF files) to the University of Calgary Digital Portal’s Local Histories.
- All the people that signed the consent forms.
- University of Calgary Digital Portal – Local Histories – Digitized Books Repository.
- University of Alberta’s Archives – Audio/Video Digital Aviary Platform Repository.
- The Provincial Alberta Archives – Digital Photos Repository.
- Boréal FM Plamondon Community Radio – Audio/Video Digital Repository.
- All the other external repositories.
- Fonds Lena (Dubé) et Albin-Plamondon pour le Musée de Plamondon & District Museum (Endowment Fund)