Support Us


  1. Support our museum through a charitable donation.
  2. Donations of $25.00 and over will receive a Charitable Receipt for Income Tax Purposes.
  3. Our charitable number is BN88861 4625 RR 0001.
  4. Donations can be paid by:
    • Writing a cheque to the “Plamondon and District Museum Society” and mail to: Box 412, Plamondon, Alberta T0A 2T0.  No need to fill out the following form.
    • In person at the Museum (cash or cheque).
    • E-transfer using Please provide your full name and address in the comment box, so that we can match it to the content of the following form.
Artifacts pertaining to Plamondon pioneer history are welcome.

To be certain you receive a Charitable Donation receipt, please complete the following form:

Please donate to our endowment fund, which pays our annual website hosting fees in perpetuity.

Go to: Fonds Lena (Dubé)-et-Albin-Plamondon pour le musée de Plamondon & District Museum

Please note:

It is a Francophone site:

  • The Top section describes that Lena and Albin Plamondon, who the fund is named after, were community supporters.
  • The Bottom section that starts with “Donner au Fonds Lena (Dubé)-et-Albin-Plamondon….”, requests a donation.

To read it in English, click on the little letters “EN” located to the right of that sentence, and the donation panel will be translated to English.

Become a Member

Lifetime membership ($5.00 per person) can be paid by:
  1. Writing a cheque to the “Plamondon and District Museum Society” and mail it to: Box 412, Plamondon, Alberta T0A 2T0
  2. In person at the Museum (cash or cheque).
  3. E-transfer using Please provide your full name and address in the comment box, so that we can match it to the content of the following form.
Please complete this membership form so that we can contact you.
Lifetime Membership – $5.00

Become a Volunteer

Volunteer to support our work in the museum.  Volunteers help with data entry on the genealogy site, data entry on accessioning of artifacts and displays.
Enter Email(Required)
Volunteer Opportunities(Required)
Please “check” all opportunities that interest you.
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Thank you for your support!

For more information, please call

780 798 3193

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